Publishers-Book The President of Patrick Carney Insurance Agency, Inc. is Patraick Carney Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : For about twenty years now, I have been talking about the highly systematic character of Greek astrology. For me this was an almost certain sign that there was one guiding intelligence behind the initial development of this astrology, meaning that it must have been the work of one man or a small group of men pursuing a common program. We here at Project Hindsight?I, Robert Schmidt and my wife Ellen Black?believe we have found that man. He was the celebrated Greek polymath Eudoxus of Knidos, who in fact had a large following of students. "He was a true man of science if there ever was one. No occult or superstitious lore appealed to him. Cicero says that Eudoxus?expressed the opinion and left it on record that no sort of credence should be given to the Chaldeans in their predictions and in their foretelling of the life of individuals from the day of their birth. " It is not implausible, however, to suppose that he was interested in cosmology, as were many Greek thinkers of his day. As Diogenes Laertius tells us, he lectured on the cosmos, the gods, and the celestial appearances. It was Eudoxus who assigned Greek names to the signs of the zodiac for the first time, or at the very least finalized the process; of this there is no doubt. When the spellings of these names are studied individually and in comparison with each other, the four elemental triplicities emerge in their association with the four physical elements, along with numerous attendant concepts. We cannot say for certain whether Eudoxus lived to develop his astrological cosmology further; it may have been completed by his students over a period of time. But if others developed the astrology further, they must have been privy to the secrets of Eudoxus? naming scheme. Today Eudoxus is known primarily for his work in astronomy and mathematics, but he was also a physician. In fact, his birthplace Knidos was near the island of Cos where Berossus later set up shop and taught Chaldean astrology. Knidos and Cos were the centers of two rival schools of medicine. This is suggestive because there are indications that one of the earliest applications of astrology was to medicine. I have said that there is strong evidence that Eudoxus of Knidos was the progenitor of Greek astrology. Legend says it originated with Hermes Trismegistos. It would seem a fair assumption, then, that the Hermes Trismegistos of the astrological tradition was a pseudonym for Eudoxus himself. In Diogenes? biographical account we find Eudoxus associated with some writings that went under the strange title ?the so-called Dialogues of Dogs, which might bring to mind something like Aesop?s Fables. However, in serious writing the Greek word kunos ?dog? often means ?servant of a god. We must, then, seriously entertain the possibility that Eudoxus of Knidos was also the author/translator of the dialogues found in the Corpus Hermeticum, which consist of dialogues between men who would regard themselves as servants of a god, in this case the ?divine mind? Nous.
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